简介:The protagonist of the film is a young boy named Kuba who, due to his seriously ill sister, decides to get a quick cash by taking part in illegal car
简介:A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. Wi
简介:Netflix过去宣布开发Andrzej Sapkowski的《巫师/猎魔人 The Witcher》奇幻小说系列(三部短篇﹑五部长篇及一部前传)的剧集版,这部小说系列被转译成20种语言,并被改篇成十分成功的同名游戏系列。
Andrzej Sapkowski将会为剧集版当顾问,Sean Daniel