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    • 明星




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    Theo Abrams is an ex-Cape Town fireman suffering from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Unable to return to work due to the psychological trauma sustained during a failed rescue mission, an increasingly frustrated and volatile Theo's world is rocked when one morning, he wakes up next to his wife's murdered corpse with no recollection of what transpired and all evidence suggesting that he's killed her. When the police label him as the prime suspect, Theo goes on the run, and is soon being hunted by Deputy Chief of Police, Alan Shard, a notoriously ruthless soldier of the law, who is hell-bent on catching Theo as one last act of service before he officially retires. However, when an unknown third party is thrown into the mix, Theo discovers an alarming connection between the sinister forces hunting him in an attempt to silence him permanently for a reason he can't comprehend; and a recent investigation his wife was conducting into a global armament contractor. When connecting the dots becomes a matter of life and death, Theo becomes embroiled in a desperate fight for survival and must figure out who really murdered his wife before a terrifying conspiracy changes the course of a nation forever.


    • 8.0 HD中字 疯狂的麦克斯:狂暴女神 安雅·泰勒-乔伊,克里斯·海姆斯沃斯,汤姆·伯克,艾莉拉·布朗,George,Shevtsov,拉黑·休姆,约翰·霍华德,安格斯·桑普森,查理·弗雷泽,埃尔莎·帕塔奇,内森·琼斯,乔什·赫尔曼,大卫·菲尔德,Rahel,Romahn,戴维·科林斯,戈兰·D·克鲁特,CJ·布隆菲尔德,马图斯,伊恩·罗伯茨,Guy,Spence
    • 6.0 HD 端溪奇案 张沙沙,书亚信,左晓龙,田沐阳,韩淼
    • 1.0 HD 铁镖 王延龙,梁雪芹,马原,封雅雯
    • 5.0 高清版 绝地战警:生死与共 威尔·史密斯 , 马丁·劳伦斯 , 亚历山大·路德韦格 , 凡妮莎·哈金斯 , 埃里克·迪恩 , 葆拉·努涅斯 , 蕾亚·塞洪 , 塔莎·史密斯 , 乔·潘托里亚诺 , 艾恩·格拉法德 , 梅兰妮·利伯德 , 珍娜·凯内尔 , 雅各布·西皮奥 , 德里克·罗素 , Gabriel 'G-Rod' Rodriguez , Fatima , Quinn Hemphill , Jaxon A. Compas , 克里斯托弗·科克 , Jewelianna Ramos-Ortiz , 杰里·塔
    • 8.0 第25集 上海滩 周润发,吕良伟,赵雅芝,刘丹,林文伟,周思平,曾楚霖,廖启智
    • 9.0 正片 扫黄 孙昊,孙宏胤,郑锦麟,甄咏珊,沈芷萱,
    • 9.0 HD 九龙城寨之围城 古天乐,洪金宝,任贤齐,林峯,刘俊谦,黄德斌,伍允龙,胡子彤,张文杰,廖子妤,郭富城,蔡思韵,黄梓乐
    • 9.0 HD 极速搏杀 韩聪聪,傅淼,杜奕衡,何育骏
    • 2.0 HD中字 桃色追杀令 徐若瑄,吕良伟,单立文
    • 1.0 HD中字 战狼2 ,吴京,弗兰克·格里罗,吴刚,张翰,卢靖姗,丁海峰,淳于珊珊,余男
    • 4.0 正片 制暴 2024 蒋璐霞,包贝尔,谢苗,赵夕汐,高毅,张梦露,伊米娜,郑伟,刘超
    • 4.0 HD 封神第一部:朝歌风云 费翔,李雪健,黄渤,于适,陈牧驰,娜然 ,此沙,武亚凡,夏雨,袁泉,王洛勇,侯雯元,黄曦彦,李昀锐,杨玏,陈坤,许还山,高曙光,冯绍峰,杨立新,丁勇岱,高冬平,徐冲,韩鹏翼,单敬尧,吴汉坤,百力嘎,刘乐,许翔,刘涵,徐菲,孙睿,耿业庭,金志浩,屈愉超,黄涛,樊汶东,姜宝成,阿仁,米铁增,僧格仁钦,马文忠,宁文彤,张经伟,杨添皓,李泽宇,夏晨旭,宋宁峰,俞颖,吴超,杨大鹏,赵磊,张振煊,宋渡宇,文波,图门巴雅尔,慕晓博,春晓,其勒木格,张雪菡,钱波,巴雅尔图,吴兴国,那尔那茜,刘潮,张艺泷,孙煌辰,艾力江·


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