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    The break-up is almost complete: Hannah and Julian meet one more time to hand over their apartment, which they hope will be quick and painless. No such luck, though: The hand-over flops and the two arguing exes are stuck together on New Year's Eve, of all days, after not speaking to each other for weeks. They're long overdue at their friends' party, where they wanted to put in one final appearance together. Seven years ago, Hannah and Julian met while looking for an apartment and became reluctant roommates. She's a career-oriented law student, he's a photographer who lives for the moment. She's always got everything planned out, he never does. The two roommates became an odd but loving couple. While Julian compromises professionally, Hannah climbs the career ladder. Then they started to grow apart and spend their time with other people. At the very low point of their relationship, an unsolved conflict from the past suddenly resurfaces and calles everything into doubt.


    • 9.0 正片 爱你 罗茜 莉莉·柯林斯,山姆·克拉弗林,塔姆欣·伊格顿,杰美·温斯顿,克里斯蒂安·库克,阿特·帕金森,马里昂·奥德怀尔
    • 9.0 HD 蝴蝶飞 李冰冰
    • 8.0 正片 单身男女2(粤语版) 古天乐,杨千嬅,高圆圆,周渝民,吴彦祖,林雪
    • 2.0 正片 上海日记 杜江,董维嘉,汪家麒,屠茹英,杨宝龙,毕远晋,曹世平
    • 2.0 HD 当男人恋爱时2014 黄政民,韩惠珍,郑满植,金秉玉,郭度沅
    • 5.0 正片 我们是你的朋友 扎克·埃夫隆,艾米丽·拉塔科斯基,希罗·弗南德兹,亚历克斯·沙弗尔,乔尼·维斯顿,韦斯·本特利,乔·博恩瑟,瓦妮萨·洛金斯,艾丽莎·科波拉,莫莉·哈根,瑞贝卡·福斯蒂,吉赛尔·达迈尔,乔·阿布拉汉姆斯,Jacqui,Holland,蒂莫西·格兰德罗斯
    • 6.0 HD 恋爱大赢家 许绍洋,杨恭如,刘亦菲,林志颖,虞琦,陈子强
    • 9.0 HD 穿过寒冬拥抱你 黄渤,贾玲,朱一龙,徐帆,高亚麟,吴彦姝,许绍雄,王骁,周冬雨,刘昊然,乔欣,王一楠,刘天佐,田小洁,孙茜,张宥浩,尚语贤
    • 5.0 HD 鬼魅浮生 卡西·阿弗莱克,鲁妮·玛拉,肯妮莎·汤普森,格罗弗·库尔森,
    • 3.0 HD中字 野人 唐伟鹏,张燕妮
    • 10.0 完结 我的名字 内详
    • 5.0 HD中字 科莱特 伊里·马德尔,克蕾蒙丝·西尔莱,Juraj Adamík,Radek Balcárek,吉里·巴托斯卡,埃里克·鲍尔,Dan Brown,Lubomir Burgr,Václav Chalupa,扬·茨纳,Michal Dlouhy,Jeremi Durand,Helena Dvoráková,伊凡·弗拉内克,帕维尔·盖多斯,安德烈·赫里科,芭芭拉·科德托娃,翁德里·科瓦奇,苏珊娜·莫拉利,萨宾娜·罗伊科娃,Pavel Rímsky,Tomas Sotak,Kristína Svarinská,米罗斯拉夫


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