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    • 明星
    8.0 HD中字




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      Teenaged siblings Girly and Sonny lure young men back to their home to meet the eccentric Mumsy and Nanny. There, the men are forced to take part in strange games, the rules of which are never defined - and if they refuse, or transgress the unwritten rules, they're killed. But they may have met their match in New Friend, their latest victim, who starts to manipulate the foursome, setting one against the other.  Bizarre combination of late sixties avant garde and sleaze. Director Freddie Francis had made horrors for both Hammer and Amicus but this is nothing like any of them. Shot on location with an atmosphere mixing playground horror and conservatory theatre that is downright weird and unsettling. The great lost girl of sixties British horror, Vanessa Howard, shines as she does in those other rarely seen gems Corruption [1967] and What Became of Jack and Jill [1972]. If Harold Pinter had made The Texas Chain Saw Massacre [1974] for the BBC this could have resulted. Excellent and unique.


    • 3.0 HD 鬼寺凶灵 Chinawut,Indracusin,哇提勒维·拍桑固翁,雅娜妮·杷拉薇·维高,沪瓦隆·威伍飒
    • 6.0 完结 荣誉 帕迪·康斯戴恩,BenBishop,AiyshaHart,威廉·鲁尼,Ben,Bishop,艾莎·哈特
    • 5.0 HD 亲爱的快逃 克拉克·格雷格,皮鲁·埃斯贝克,索瑞·安达斯鲁,杰西·加伯,贝琪·勃兰特,埃拉·巴林斯卡,阿梅尔·艾米恩,布兰顿·莫拉勒,拉马尔·约翰逊,布丽娜·莱恩,戴奥·奥柯奈伊,马克·可汗,阿曼达·亚罗斯,Lynhthy,Nguyen
    • 5.0 HD中字 京城81号 吴镇宇,林心如,杨祐宁,秦海璐,莫小棋,金燕玲,袁祥仁,夏文汐,李菁,李晓川,韩志,张煜雯,茹天,吴屹桐,于雷
    • 2.0 超清 胶片之恋 永濑正敏,役所广司,宫泽理惠,天海祐希,水野绘梨奈
    • 8.0 HD中字 偷窥者2021 西德妮·斯威尼,贾斯蒂斯·史密斯,本·哈迪,刘承羽,Katharine,King,So,Cait,Alexander,Caitlyn,Sponheimer,Daniel,Grogan,Madelline,Harvey,Sarah,Donna,Noah,Parker,Emily,Shelton,Blessing,Adedijo,Jillian,Harris,Jimmy,Caspeur
    • 2.0 正片 燃烧的槐多啊 游屋慎太郎,佐藤里穗,工藤景,涼田麗乃,八田拳,佐月绘美,田中飄,佐野史郎
    • 7.0 HD中字 双生儿 本木雅弘,凉,筒井康隆,石桥莲司,浅野忠信,磨赤儿,竹中直人,藤村志保,罇真佐子,田口智朗,村上淳,今福将雄,内田春菊,大方斐纱子,广冈由里子
    • 4.0 HD 今夜林中无人入睡 茱莉亚·维尼瓦-纳基维奇,Wiktoria,Gasiewska,米洛斯拉夫·兹布罗邹维奇
    • 7.0 HD中字 山狗 郑则仕,王青,陈星,庄静而,钟保罗,艾迪
    • 1.0 HD 沉默是你 AliciaSilverstone,ThoraBirch,SiennaGuillory,Dan,Crawford,格里耶·范·达姆,西耶娜·盖尔利,艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通,利·劳森,乔·安德森
    • 8.0 HD 我说你做 克里斯平·格洛弗,玛尔戈·哈什曼,格雷格·西佩斯,凯莉·维茨,Artie,Baxter,卡莉·芬克利,Lori,Lively,布鲁斯·格洛弗,布蕾克·莱弗利,奥利弗·迪尔,Leila,Johnson,艾丽卡哈伯德,巴特·约翰逊,丹妮埃拉·莫内特,凯利·布拉茨,迪恩·谢尔顿,Ernie,Lively,哈罗德·史密斯,亚当·约翰逊,查德·坎宁安,克里斯·坎宁安,罗宾·莱弗里


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