简介:小青年汤姆(伊恩·德·卡斯泰克 Iain De Caestecker 饰)致电有过一面之缘的女孩露西(爱丽丝·恩格勒特 Alice Englert 饰),邀请对方参加即将在爱尔兰举行的音乐节。汤姆处心积虑规划行程,比音乐节预定提前一天到达目的地。他约女孩去网上预订的基拉尼旅店留宿。笔直的公路无限延伸
简介:劳伦斯(道格·斯通 Doug Stone 配音)曾经是一名魔术师,某日,他收留了一只流浪的小猫,取名闪电(穆雷·布鲁 Murray Blue 配音)。闪电成为了劳伦斯家中的一份子,很快,它就和别墅里的各种机器人和玩偶们打成了一片。然而,在这欢乐祥和的气氛中,却产生了一丝不和谐的声音,对于闪电的到来,
简介:亚当,一个十三岁的、不合群的男孩,为了发现父亲失踪背后的秘密,踏上了一段惊心动魄、令人难忘的征程。他很快发现他的父亲正是传说中的大脚怪,他多年来一直躲藏在森林里,以保护他自己和家人不被大型公司 HairCo. 纠缠。该公司渴望用他的特殊 DNA 进行科学实验。就当这对父子开始弥补失去的时光时,亚当很
简介: Natty Gann (played by Meredith Salenger) is a twelve year old Depression era girl whose single-parent father leaves her behind in Chicago while he g
简介:When an uptight time-travelling obsessed young scientist is visited by his nihilistic future self, hes told that he needs to give up his dream of beco
简介:When a troubled couple escape to their rural farmhouse for a weekend of re-connection, they realize that their ability to save their marriage will lit